
Cookie Disclaimer

By continuing to visit this website or clicking on Accept, you agree to Pride Circle’s and our partners' use of cookies and other technologies to process your personal data to personalise and deliver tailored advertising and experience to you, on and off our sites.


Data Release

By sharing my details, I give permission for my data to be held in the database of Pride Circle, Pride Circle Foundation, and all their parts and units (the "Company") and agree that the Company may process personal data relating to me for personnel, administration, marketing and/or management purposes. The information will only be accessed by necessary Company employees. I understand my data will be held securely and consent to my data being shared to third parties in anonymised or aggregated form. I hereby consent to the processing of the personal data that I have provided and declare my agreement with the data protection regulations in the Data Protection and Privacy Policy of the Company. I furthermore certify that all details and data shared by me with the Company are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and that the Company is not liable if any such shared data is found to be false. I agree that the Company can take any and all actions as provided under the laws of India, including without limitation banning me from further use of any and all of the website(s) owned or managed by the Company, if any warranty or certification by me is found to be false, and I also release the Company from any liability in such instance. I agree to conduct myself in accordance with the rules, regulations and policies of the Company.